Hiking and Camping Gear
Hiking and Camping Gear
Hiking and Camping Gear
Hiking and Camping Gear
Explore all day and stay out all night in gear designed to keep you cool and comfortable,
no matter where the trail takes you. Shop our curated range of performance-tested hiking
apparel, backpacks, sleeping bags, mattresses and accessories.
Explore all day and stay out all night in gear designed to keep you cool and comfortable, no matter where the trail takes you. Shop our curated range of performance-tested hiking apparel, backpacks, sleeping bags, mattresses and accessories.
Latest Hiking Tops & Bottoms
Latest Hiking Tops & Bottoms
As low as R 1,599.00
As low as R 1,499.00
Men's Treklite JoggerRating:90%As low as R 1,299.00
Ladies Summit ShortsRating:100%As low as R 699.00
As low as R 899.00
Men's Detour Chino ShortsRating:100%As low as R 899.00
As low as R 1,199.00
Ladies Finn Fleece 1/4 Zip TopRating:90%As low as R 476.00 Regular Price R 560.00
Men's All Time Fleece JacketRating:100%As low as R 1,499.00
As low as R 1,499.00
Latest Hiking Jackets
Latest Hiking Jackets
As low as R 2,699.00
As low as R 2,625.00
As low as R 1,999.00
As low as R 3,299.00
As low as R 999.00
As low as R 799.00
Men's All Time Fleece JacketRating:100%As low as R 1,499.00
As low as R 1,499.00
Men's Wind Pro Fleece JacketRating:100%As low as R 2,199.00
Ladies Best of Both Fleece 1/4 ZipRating:100%As low as R 799.00
Ladies Hiking
Men's Hiking
Latest Hiking Equipment
Latest Hiking Equipment
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 179.00
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 179.00
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 129.00
As low as R 149.00
Hiking Accessories
Hiking Accessories
As low as R 1,999.00 Regular Price R 2,299.00
Eclipse 3 Person 3 Season Hiking TentRating:99%As low as R 4,699.00
Helio II 2 Person 3 Season Hiking TentRating:92%As low as R 3,499.00
Mercury 65L Lightweight Hiking PackRating:100%As low as R 3,499.00
Orion 25L BackpackRating:98%As low as R 1,399.00
As low as R 5,299.00
Amplify Down Light Sleeping BagRating:100%As low as R 2,999.00
As low as R 4,999.00
Yak Sac Duffel 80LRating:100%As low as R 1,699.00
As low as R 3,999.00

Down and Synthetic Sleeping Bags
Our range of down and synthetic sleeping bags offer exceptional warmth without the extra weight. Filled with 92/8 RDS-certified down and wrapped in soft-touch Microtex fabric, these compact sleeping bags provide all-season comfort and reliable warmth, no matter the forecast.
Hiking Tents
Find your perfect home away from home with First Ascent’s range of 3 and 4-season hiking tents. Lightweight yet durable, these tents are designed to offer great strength to weight ratio and ample space.

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